Offline Storage & JSON Files
By default, the IcoMoon app stores everything locally, in the browser. You could download your projects as JSON files in order to import them back to the app later. By getting either of the paid plans, your projects will automatically get saved in your account.
Hosting Icons For Development or Production
Using the IcoMoon app, you could upload your icons and get a link to quickly start using the icons. Generated links would reflect any changes made in the IcoMoon app. This way, you won't have repeatedly download your icon pack and replace existing local files. This is especially useful during development. IcoMoon can generate two kinds of links: development and production. Production-ready links can be used on publicly accessible websites or apps.
By getting IcoMoon's Unlimited plan, you will be able to easily publish any number of icons (in both font and SVG formats), to be hosted on a CDN. Using this service, you won't have to worry about compression (br, gzip), CORS settings, caching headers, or correct MIME types. We take care of all of that for you.

Sample files delivered by CDN: WOFF2, TTF, SVG, EOT. You could use curl to check their headers:
curl -H "Origin:" --head --verbose
15 Day Money Back Guarantee
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About Payments
We don't currently support automated recurring payments. You will receive two email notifications, around 20 and 10 days before your plan's expiration date. In order to extend your plan, you could manually make another purchase. Doing so at any time would add to the remaining days on your account.